Our business is global but our local roots are strong. While our project pipeline, technological innovations and regional focus talk to our growth aspirations, our foundation businesses serve as the platform from which we look to expand.

Our 63-year journey has been steered by distinct milestones.





Sasol established on 26 September.


The original coal-to-liquids (CTL) complex at Sasolburg, South Africa, starts producing synthetic fuels and chemicals and the first eight drums of creosote – the first Sasol product – are dispatched in March. In August, the Synthol reactor completes its first reaction.






After five years of commercial production Sasol yields a profit of R1,36 million amid 10th anniversary celebrations.


South African Gas Distribution Company (now Sasol Gas) is formed to market and distribute pipeline gas.






Joint venture, Natref oil refinery, starts fuel production and Sasol petrol, developed for Formula One motor racing, is supplied for the first time.


Construction of R2,3 billion Sasol Two commences on Secunda site in South Africa. A new South African town is established – Secunda. Its Latin name, meaning second, is appropriate as it was the second town established by Sasol following Sasolburg.


Sasol privatises and lists on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.






Sasol Two synfuels and chemicals complex is completed and the first product, ammonia, is dispatched to the fertiliser industry.

Sasol Three – a replica of the Sasol Two complex – starts production.


As Sasol Two and Three run smoothly and to capacity a new company is formed to manufacture and market ammonium nitrate fertilisers (now Sasol Nitro).

The 100 bbl/day Sasol Phase Distillate demonstration reactor is commissioned.







High purity ethanol plant comes on stream in Sasolburg.


First Sasol Advanced Synthol reactor come on line at Secunda.






Investment in Malaysian ethylene and polyethylene plants explored.

  • Agreement signed with Mozambican government to develop gas reserves.



International Condea chemical business acquired.




Sasol lists on the New York Stock Exchange in the United States.

  • Construction of pioneering and environmentally-friendly gas-to-liquids (GTL) venture outside South Africa at Ras Laffan, Qatar commences.


First natural gas from Mozambique arrives in Secunda through the cross border pipeline.

  • Sasol Oil merges with Exel Petroleum and enters the South African retail fuel market.






ORYX gas-to-liquids (GTL) plant in Qatar is commissioned and first product available.

  • Sasol expands its chemicals business in China with the opening of office in Shanghai to market diverse range of chemical solvents in the region.
  • Announces South Africa’s single largest broad-based BEE ownership transaction to date.


Sasol in partnership with Tata awarded coal block in India.

  • Creation of Sasol New Energy Holdings.
  • Concludes landmark R24 billion Sasol Inzalo broad based black economic empowerment (BEE) transaction.






Sasol signed joint venture agreement with Uzbekneftegaz and PETRONAS of Malaysia for development and implementation of GTL project in Uzbekistan.

  • Memorandum of Understanding signed with Gassnova SF to explore possibility of Sasol becoming a participant in European Technology Centre Mongstad which will investigate carbon capture and storage.
  • Sasol Technology opens state-of-the-art fuel testing facility in Cape Town, South Africa.


Approval for construction of new ethylene purifi cation unit in Sasolburg.

  • Sasol Mining concludes Ixia Coal broad based BEE transaction with Investment WIPCoal.
  • World’s first fully synthetic jet fuel, produced by Sasol, takes to the skies.
  • Sasol Olefins and Surfactants enters the high purity Tri-ethyl aluminium merchant market.


Sasol acquires a 50% interest in Talisman Energy Inc’s. Farrel Creek and Cypress A shale gas assets in Montney Basin, British Columbia, Canada.

  • Sasol partners with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation and Chevron Nigeria at existing oil and gas facility in Escravos to provide technical and manpower support. Feasibility study for GTL plant in Western Canada is initiated.
  • Feasibility study commences to build first GTL facility in United States at Lake Charles, Louisiana.
  • Plans to build a gas-to-power energy plant in Mozambique in partnership with state-owned Electricidade de Moçambique is announced.
  • Sasol enters into joint venture with Origin of Australia to explore coal bed methane in Botswana.


Sasol New Energy constructs a 140 megawatt electricity generation plant in Sasolburg.

  • Sasol commences the front-end engineering and design phase for an integrated gas-to-liquids facility in United States.
  • New R1 billion limestone ammonium nitrate granulation plant inaugurated at Secunda plant.
  • US$220 million expansion completed at Central Processing Facility at Pande and Temane, Mozambique.