Resignation Of Mr Andreas Schierenbeck As Non-Executive Director Of Sasol Limited

Sasol Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1979/003231/06)
Sasol Ordinary Share codes: JSE: SOL NYSE: SSL
Sasol Ordinary ISIN codes: ZAE000006896 US8038663006
Sasol BEE Ordinary Share code: JSE: SOLBE1
Sasol BEE Ordinary ISIN code: ZAE000151817
(Sasol, the Company, Equity issuer)

Sasol Financing Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 1998/019838/06)
Company code: SFIE
LEI: 378900A5BC68CC18C276
(Sasol Financing, the Company, Debt issuer)


Shareholders are advised in terms of paragraph 3.59 of the JSE Listings Requirements that Mr
Andreas Schierenbeck has informed the Company that he will step down as non-executive
director of Sasol Limited on 31 October 2023 and will therefore not be making himself available
for election to the Board at the Annual General Meeting of the Company on 17 November 2023.
Mr Schierenbeck's external business responsibilities are expanding, requiring significantly more
dedication and time than originally envisaged. Additionally, there is a concern that some green
energy sector opportunities that are being pursued by Sasol, and the timing of these
decarbonisations efforts, may potentially place him in a conflict of interests.

The Chairman of the Board, Mr Sipho Nkosi, expressed appreciation for the contribution that
Mr Schierenbeck has made to Sasol and said: "On behalf of the Board I wish Andreas well for
the future. We hope that there will be new opportunities on which Sasol and Mr Schierenbeck
may work together, given our mutual interest in decarbonisation initiatives".

18 October 2023

Equity Sponsor
Merrill Lynch South Africa Proprietary Limited t/a BofA Securities

Debt Sponsor
Rand Merchant Bank (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)

Date: 18-10-2023 05:09:00
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Resignation Of Mr Andreas Schierenbeck As Non-Executive Director Of Sasol Limited

Sasol Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1979/003231/06)
Sasol Ordinary Share codes: JSE: SOL NYSE: SSL
Sasol Ordinary ISIN codes: ZAE000006896 US8038663006
Sasol BEE Ordinary Share code: JSE: SOLBE1
Sasol BEE Ordinary ISIN code: ZAE000151817
(Sasol, the Company, Equity issuer)

Sasol Financing Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 1998/019838/06)
Company code: SFIE
LEI: 378900A5BC68CC18C276
(Sasol Financing, the Company, Debt issuer)


Shareholders are advised in terms of paragraph 3.59 of the JSE Listings Requirements that Mr
Andreas Schierenbeck has informed the Company that he will step down as non-executive
director of Sasol Limited on 31 October 2023 and will therefore not be making himself available
for election to the Board at the Annual General Meeting of the Company on 17 November 2023.
Mr Schierenbeck's external business responsibilities are expanding, requiring significantly more
dedication and time than originally envisaged. Additionally, there is a concern that some green
energy sector opportunities that are being pursued by Sasol, and the timing of these
decarbonisations efforts, may potentially place him in a conflict of interests.

The Chairman of the Board, Mr Sipho Nkosi, expressed appreciation for the contribution that
Mr Schierenbeck has made to Sasol and said: "On behalf of the Board I wish Andreas well for
the future. We hope that there will be new opportunities on which Sasol and Mr Schierenbeck
may work together, given our mutual interest in decarbonisation initiatives".

18 October 2023

Equity Sponsor
Merrill Lynch South Africa Proprietary Limited t/a BofA Securities

Debt Sponsor
Rand Merchant Bank (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)

Date: 18-10-2023 05:09:00
Produced by the JSE SENS Department. The SENS service is an information dissemination service administered by the JSE Limited ('JSE').
The JSE does not, whether expressly, tacitly or implicitly, represent, warrant or in any way guarantee the truth, accuracy or completeness of
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